Collins Essential Travel Atlas

A4 spiral bound road atlas of Europe.

Contains clear, large-scale, detailed road mapping, perfect for touring the Mediterranean, Iberian peninsula, Scandinavia and all European tourist destinations.

Main features:  
  • Clear, easy to follow road maps at a scale of 1:1,000,000.
  • Europe routes and motorways are easily distinguished on the mapping.
  • The maps also show international road classifications, road distances in kilometers and relief is shown by attractive layer tints.
  • Route planning maps
  • Over 100 scenic routes shown
  • Toll motorways shown
  • Guide to international road signs, driving advice and useful internet links
  • Route maps of 64 major cities
  • Street plans of 16 major cities
  • Locator diagrams on each page to help you navigate
  • More detailed road maps extending from Amsterdam to Munich, making route following easier through this densely populated area.
  • The mapping extends from the North Cape (Norway) to Gibraltar and from Ireland to east of Moscow. Also includes Iceland and Cyprus.